What is Purpose?(*for us)

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are bornand the day you find out why."Mark Twain

Journeys and Destinations 🗺️

Journeys and Destinations are two different concepts. A destination is the end point, while a journey is the path taken to get there.

When somebody asks us *WHY* we do what we do, our answer normally refers to a destination or a journey.

Destinations include goals and desires. Goals can be winning a prize, getting a promotion, running a marathon, starting a business, and others. Desires are mainly materialistic destinations, such as making a lot of money, getting a new car, or buying a house.

The difference between goals and desires is the focus of appreciation.

In the case of goals, you appreciate and value the journey as it makes you grow and become a better version of yourself through the experience of chasing the goal. But also because through the journey you meet people, you go to places and you experience different emotions, which make you feel alive.

When chasing a desire, the focus shifts solely on reaching the destination regardless of the journey taken. The journey is seen as just a burden that needs to be endured to get to the destination.

Living with purpose is to create and chase goals you care about but not for the sake of the destination but because through pursuing them you become part of a fulfilling journey of experiences that make your life worth living.

Purpose as a State of Living 🧭

Purpose (*for us) is a state of living, where you pursue goals you care about. It answers the big *WHY* of life.

This state is guided by a clear vision that aligns with the core values which you naturally believe in.

Most of the times, it is aimed at a goal which is bigger than one's self and can impact a broader group of people positively.

When you have found this one path that feels natural to you and puts you in a state of flow, it gives you a clear sense of direction and orientation in the experience of life.

It is your unique sweet spot of passion and talent.

We believe finding purpose is an attainable goal for every human and when found, it can transform life experience drastically.

Our Vision

A world with fulfilled people.

According to the State of the Global Workplace Report 2024 by Gallup, only 23% of people worldwide are engaged in their professional life. We want to bring this number closer to 100%.

Our Mission

To provide people with tools to explore, find and follow their true purpose throughout their lifetime.

Finding purpose is a lifelong process that evolves as we grow. We aim to provide a space for continuous exploration and journaling, supporting individuals throughout this self-discovery journey.

Explore your purpose today.

Our purpose is to support you on your unique journey towards purpose.

Explore different pathways, journal your experiences and you will be on your way to finding purpose.
And don't forget: The destination is the journey!

Join the community of purpose-driven individuals.